
Helping them transition into sustainable paper product innovations.

Welcome to 
Life In Green

Helping them transition into sustainable paper product innovations.

Client Spotlight

Customized product catalogues

Notre histoire

Founded in 1998, we manufacture eco-friendly paper-based packaging solutions for hot beverages, which includes disposable & compostable cups and take-out containers. We market our products in North America and internationnaly through our headquarter in Montreal, Quebec with national distribution coverage across Canada and USA.

Product categories

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A broad selection of single-use commercialy compostable beverage cups, dinnerware and cutlery of the highest quality made of fully renewable ressources.

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Food Packaging

A broad selection of single-use commercialy compostable beverage cups, dinnerware and cutlery of the highest quality made of fully renewable ressources.

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Private Label

A broad selection of single-use commercialy compostable beverage cups, dinnerware and cutlery of the highest quality made of fully renewable ressources.

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Safe Environment

A broad selection of single-use commercialy compostable beverage cups, dinnerware and cutlery of the highest quality made of fully renewable ressources.

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.”

Jean-Marie Gingan, Client Life in Green

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.”

Jean-Marie Gingan, Client Life in Green

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.”

Jean-Marie Gingan, Client Life in Green

Missions & valeurs

Ultrices malesuada amet, leo sed.

Soucieux de l'environnement
Orienté design
Centré sur le client